0987-5333-456 info@vmclf.org #062 Akle St. Nova Tierra Village, Davao City.

FAQ Page

Please make sure that you finish FAQ below.

Feeding Program

VMCLF’s feeding program is one of the many initiatives that aim to support impoverished families by providing them with essential meals during special occasions such as Christmas parties and other celebrations. 

Scholarship Program

Education is a powerful tool that can transform lives and open doors to opportunities. By prioritizing education for marginalized women, we can break the cycle of poverty and empower them to pursue meaningful careers.

Free Medical Checkup

VMCLF (Vegloure-Magne Charity-Link Foundation) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing medical care and support to those who cannot afford it.

Bayanihan Program

Economic empowerment is a key aspect of overcoming poverty and achieving socioeconomic equality. By supporting marginalized women in establishing and growing their businesses, we can create sustainable livelihoods and foster economic independence.

What is VMCLF?

VMCLF (Vegloure-Magne Charity Link Foundation) is a foundation that started in 2005 with the goal of uplifting the socio-economic conditions of people in the countryside through skills training programs.

Who can join VMCLF?

Anyone who is interested in professional and personal development and is a resident of the Philippines can join VMCLF.

What kind of training programs does VMCLF offer?

VMCLF offers training programs in food processing, basic business management, and entrepreneurship mentoring, as well as soap and shampoo making, dishwashing, and other household and personal hygiene products.

What are the minimum requirements to join a training program with VMCLF?

The minimum requirements to join a training program vary depending on the program and location.

How long are the training programs?

The duration of training programs varies depending on the specialization and location, with some of them lasting from a few days to a few weeks.

Where does the training take place?

Training takes place at the VMCLF training center located in Davao, and some in other part where VMCLF operates.

Are there any fees to join a training program?

VMCLF training programs are free for members.

What kind of support does VMCLF offer after training programs?

VMCLF offers post-training support to members through mentorship and coaching in business management and entrepreneurship.